Dynamic Bi-Spectral Analyses for NeuroGuide

The Dynamic Bi-Spectral Analyses feature in NeuroGuide Deluxe encompasses two main categories of bi-spectral analyses that enhance the understanding of brain function. Additionally, BrainMaster Technologies Inc. adheres to ANI’s licensing policy, providing one permanent license per computer, along with an annual backup license for users of NeuroGuide Deluxe.


SKU: 533-433A Category:

  • The Dynamic Bi-Spectral Analyses feature in NeuroGuide Deluxe encompasses two main categories of bi-spectral analyses that enhance the understanding of brain function.

    The first category focuses on the spectral analyses of time series data, which includes various metrics such as instantaneous absolute power, relative power, coherence, phase differences, amplitude asymmetry, and phase reset (the first derivative of straightened phase). This comprehensive approach allows for a detailed examination of the brain’s electrical activity and interconnectivity.

    The second category involves more complex analyses, specifically the Cross-Frequency Phase Shift Duration and the Cross-Frequency Phase Lock Duration. These metrics provide insights into the dynamic interactions between different frequency bands, contributing to a more nuanced understanding of brain function.

    The specific components of the Bi-Spectral Analyses include:

        • Spectrum of Time Series of Instantaneous Power
        • Spectrum of Time Series Relative Power
        • Spectrum of Time Series of Instantaneous Coherence
        • Spectrum of Time Series of Instantaneous Phase Differences
        • Spectrum of Time Series of Instantaneous Amplitude Differences
        • Spectrum of Time Series of Phase Reset
        • Cross-Frequency Power Correlation (1 Hz to 50 Hz)
        • Cross-Frequency Phase Shift Duration
        • Cross-Frequency Phase Lock Duration

    These analyses collectively enable clinicians and researchers to gain deeper insights into brain activity, facilitating better diagnosis and treatment strategies.

    Additionally, BrainMaster Technologies Inc. adheres to ANI’s licensing policy, providing one permanent license per computer, along with an annual backup license for users of NeuroGuide Deluxe.

To check out similar products, click here: https://brainmaster.com/product-category/software/ani/add-on-ani-products/

SKU: 533-433A