
Session Wizard Software

Design your own sessions with repeatable cycles and automatic statistical data storage. Provided with the MINI-Q II when used with 3.0 series software, Discovery 1.4, or BrainAvatar” 4.0 . Fully programmable.

Original price was: $550.00.Current price is: $440.00.

SKU: 533-004A Category:

Available only with 3.0 and 4.0 series software. Advanced session design and control system for creating complex sessions. Provides user-programmable run lengths, pauses, user prompts, automated settings changes, automatic sensor selection, and other controls. Sessions run automatically. Design your own sessions with repeatable cycles and automatic statistical data storage. Provided with the MINI-Q II when used with 3.0 series software, Discovery 1.4, or BrainAvatar” 4.0 . Fully programmable. Unlimited session length and number of runs. Supported by Live Z-Score DLL so that sessions can be programmed to train specific sites at specific times. Used with StimFlash software for sequenced, EEG-controlled feedback. Included with Discovery acquisition software feature.


Non- Affiliate Price: $550
Affiliate Member Price: $395
