Jewel Report Generator Software for BrainAvatar – Annual Subscription

Jewel is an innovative report generator designed to streamline the process of creating client reports by utilizing a symptom checklist. The reports it produces are not only thorough but also easy to read, making it simple for practitioners to communicate findings. Additionally, the Brain Maps generated by Jewel are equally user-friendly. This enhances the overall experience for both clients and professionals.

The system requirements include BrainAvatar Acquisition and BrainAvatar Analysis. This package includes a one-year subscription to the JEWEL Report Generator Software for BrainAvatar, which outputs all programs for Discovery but can also be adapted for Atlantis and Freedom systems.

$695.00 - or subscribe and save up to 5%

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SKU: 533-835-1A Categories: ,

Jewel is an innovative report generator designed to streamline the process of creating client reports by utilizing a symptom checklist. The reports it produces are not only thorough but also easy to read, making it simple for practitioners to communicate findings. Additionally, the Brain Maps generated by Jewel are equally user-friendly. This enhances the overall experience for both clients and professionals.

With access to an impressive database of 1,000 Z-Score training protocol combinations, Jewel eliminates the need for any other database. These protocols actively support Z-Score training across one to seven channels and work effectively with movies, photic stimulation, and BrainMaster’s engaging BioPlay games.

Jewel operates on a PC-mounted system, allowing practitioners to create an unlimited number of maps without relying on an internet connection. Users can easily acquire and edit QEEG data using BrainAvatar Analysis software. Also, it has the ability to read protocols into BrainAvatar with just a few clicks. Finally, it can streamline the workflow significantly.

You can create Jewel Maps using fewer than 19 channels. Such as, generating Brain Maps with just 7 channels for Freedom 7 by utilizing its surface Z-scores. For users of the Live LORETA Projector, the ability to create printable sLORETA maps enables effective side-by-side comparisons of before-and-after QEEG data. Users equipped with QEEG-Pro can generate non-printable Brain Maps and protocols that they can easily read into BrainAvatar. This facilitates database comparisons within the software.

Jewel also offers a wealth of self-help videos and online resources to support users, all accessible with an annual subscription. The package includes a one-year subscription to the JEWEL Report Generator Software for BrainAvatar, which is compatible with Discovery systems and adaptable for both Atlantis and Freedom systems, making it a versatile tool for practitioners in the field.

The system requirements include BrainAvatar Acquisition and BrainAvatar Analysis. This package includes a one-year subscription to the JEWEL Report Generator Software for BrainAvatar. In which it outputs all programs for Discovery but can also be adapted for Atlantis and Freedom systems.

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SKU: 533-835-1A