BrainMaster Technologies, Inc.
Founded in 1995, BrainMaster Technologies, Inc. develops cutting-edge and affordable electroencephalographic (EEG) systems for assessment, treatment, research, and education. These tools serve both clinical and nonclinical populations, allowing us to address a wide range of needs.
We specialize in all aspects of EEG-based assessment and neuromodulation, including research, development, production, education, and training. By maintaining the highest professional standards, we have earned worldwide medical registrations, patents, and numerous scientific and clinical publications. Furthermore, our technology integrates expertise in hardware, software, communications, and the virtual world, which enables us to deliver innovative solutions. Through close collaboration with clients, colleagues, and partners, we are committed to advancing mental and brain health while unlocking human potential.
Our application areas encompass clinical and personal neurofeedback, as well as QEEG databases and pre/post therapeutic comparisons. In addition, our tools are widely used for biofeedback, peak performance, self-improvement, education, research, self-exploration, and brain-controlled systems. Moreover, our applications extend to games, art, sports, recreation, brain calisthenics, mental conditioning, and virtual reality.

The BrainMaster Project is based on the belief that the last, most important frontier is the mind. It is not space, not the oceans, or even the conservation of the earth. It is not medical breakthroughs. It is the mind, individually and collectively.
Thomas F. Collura
The BrainMaster Vision
Past, Present, and Future
Starting from humble beginnings, we provided low-cost, small EEG machines in the 1990s as teaching and therapeutic tools. By the 2000s, we had expanded to offer complete Neurofeedback and assessment solutions.
As part of our ongoing evolution, we led the field into evidence-based, database-driven Neurofeedback with QEEG. Throughout the 2010s, we introduced key innovations such as live sLORETA, brain connectivity, gamma imaging, and the Z-builder approach. These advancements have continually pushed the boundaries of the field, yielding significant benefits.
Our systems are FDA registered, not only for Neurofeedback but also for clinical EEG. More importantly, they are registered for our normalizing quantitative EEG software database. There have also been unexpected uses, such as infra-slow training, neuromeditation, Neurofeedback-informed hypnotherapy, and the emergence of pulsed electromagnetic field (pEMF) therapy. Furthermore, we have formed partnerships with leading innovators and producers, enabling the field to access unprecedented combinations of hardware, software, education, and services.
In the mid-1990s, we established our mission statement:
BrainMaster Technologies, Inc., one of the fruits of the BrainMaster Project, aims to make low-cost, effective electroencephalographic (EEG) brainwave monitoring and analysis accessible to everyone with the interest or need. We provide information and resources on the development and use of small EEG brainwave machines for a variety of applications, such as Neurofeedback and EEG biofeedback. Over the years, thousands of people have used this project and the internet to learn about the important uses of brainwave technology, Neurofeedback, and EEG biofeedback.
The use of our systems has included all the applications anticipated in 1995, encompassing a wide range from clinical Neurofeedback and assessment to peak performance, research, meditation, hypnotherapy, brain-controlled interfaces, art performance, music therapy, and virtual reality. Additionally, over 200 peer-reviewed papers have been published worldwide using our systems, demonstrating clinical safety and effectiveness while providing a solid research foundation.
Our motto has always been, “Make the world a better place today, and be here tomorrow.” To that end, we produce products that deliver the quality, performance, and service users expect, and conduct our business in a way that ensures sustainability for the future.
Now, in 2020, we reflect on our past achievements while looking forward, outlining past milestones and anticipating future goals.
Future goals include developing efficient and flexible systems that integrate Neurofeedback, neuromodulation, and allied educational and therapeutic methods. We envision the fields of EEG, QEEG, and evoked potentials merging into unified systems, providing real-time solutions. Reflecting on our progress, it is remarkable that we can now visualize brain activity in real time, and there seems to be no limit to what the coming decades will unveil. Ultimately, we are changing the face of mental health care, one brain at a time.
Since then, our core vision was and remains the same,
“The BrainMaster Project is based on the belief that the last, most important frontier is the mind. It is not space, not the oceans, or even the conservation of the earth. It is not medical breakthroughs. It is the mind, individually and collectively.”
-Thomas Collura, Founder
Quality Products
We offer the most comprehensive variety of Neurofeedback products on the market. This range includes, but is not limited to, SMR, BiPolar, MonoPolar, and configurations with up to 19 channels. In addition, we provide ISF, Multiple Inhibit, DC/Slow Cortical, Asymmetry, and various Connectivity options, including Coherence, Synchrony, Spectral Correlation, and Co-modulation. Furthermore, our systems support Hubs/Networks, Phase, PZOK, and REAL TIME sLORETA 3-D Imaging. Moreover, we offer REAL TIME Database-Driven Therapy, Z-Builder, Analysis, and many other features to meet diverse needs.
State of the Art Software
Equipment and software is clinical-grade. Applicable testing and registration (FDA, IEC 60601-2, CE, etc). It is suited for clinical or research use, both for EEG and for biofeedback. When combined with other clinical packages such as QEEGPro, it provides a quality end-to-end solution for EEG assessment and training.
Hands on Tech Support
We provide world-class tech support and offer access to some of the best educational opportunities in the industry. Furthermore, we are available to assist you Monday through Friday, from 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM EST. If you require immediate technical assistance, please don't hesitate to call +1 (440) 232-6000, Option 3.
Contact us today
Affiliate Membership
When purchasing a QEEG or Neurofeedback system from BrainMaster (Freedom, Discovery, or Atlantis series), you will not only own the finest QEEG/Neurofeedback system available, but you will also become an automatic member of our BrainMaster family. Additionally, read below to learn more about the benefits of becoming an affiliate.
American made, internationally Distributed
American Made Products
BrainMaster Technologies takes pride in over 26 years of service. In addition, our products are manufactured in the USA and are FDA 510K cleared as both clinical EEG and biomedical devices. As a result, by partnering with us, you can help change lives, one brain at a time!