Yes, BrainAvatar can be complex.
But it does not have to be. It’s your choice.
From the first days, users have come to BrainMaster asking for new features and functions.
All kinds of functions, some new, some old, some innovative, advanced ideas, some “old school” as well. Over the years, we have added most of them, while keeping existing things together, so twe can do it all.
Since then, we have added more than a hundred specific improvements, extending the range and capabilities of BrainAvatar.
The system currently has no equal in the scope and power of its functions. No matter what protocols or setups or tasks you have or can imagine, BrainAvatar can do it. No other system can make this claim.
We hate to say no.
Every feature and function ever included in the BrainMaster software from the first day is available in BrainAvatar.
From the simplest “thermometer” displays for power training as few as a single channel, to whole-head brain region-of-interest displays and multimedia neurofeedback, it is all there.
That is why there are so many controls and options in the system. We hate to take anything away from our users.
As a result, BrainAvatar provides:
The most powerful screen designer in the industry
An unequalled array of display panels and objects, tightly linked to EEG processing.
At a conference, we may have many possible screens on display, from basic EEG, simple neurofeedback, whole-head z-scores, and so on.
A visitor might say, “what is that?” we answer, “that is BrainAvatar.” Then they turn to another screen, and ask, “then what is that?” “that is brain Avatar”
“But I thought that was BrainAvatar” “they both are”
BrainAvatar is a chameleon and a Swiss Army Knife. It can look like and do what you want and need, to meet your expectations.
here are some of the questions, to which we have always had the same answer – “yes!”
Can I have a threshold?
Can I have an configurable and adjustable autothreshold?
Can I define my own frequency bands and colors?
Can I invent my own formulas and rules, and program them in? (yes, using the Event Wizard)
Can I set up scheduled sessions with pauses, etc. (yes, using the Session Wizard)
Can I have a sustained reward criterion?
Can I have a refractory period?
Can i have proportional pitch and amplitude feedback?
Can I have onscreen bar graphs with markers?
Can I have a text display that I can design?
Can I add anything to the panel?
Can I have selectable tabs with different displays
Can I use it for meditation
Can I train below 1 hz? (yes, 1-19 channels, – including both surface and sLORETA)
Can I train below .1 hz? (yes, 1-19 channels, – including both surface and sLORETA)
Can I train below .01 hz? (yes, 1-19 channels, – including both surface and sLORETA)
Can I train below .001 hz (yes, 1-19 channels, – including both surface and sLORETA)
Can I adjust to .0001 hz? (yes, 1-19 channels, – including both surface and sLORETA)
Can I have sLORETA coherence z scores?
Can I have sLORETA network training and coherence?
We have the only system that fully integrates, in one platform, clinical grade FDA and internationally registered EEG acquisition and display, plus 1 to 24 channel neurofeedback. A full array of surface metrics, displayed in real time, along with multiple LORETA displays (sLORETA, eLORETA, xLORETA). Unequaled multimedia, wireless, neuromodulation, in an extendable system.
Over 400 publications in over 40 countries, documenting thousands of research and clinical hours, with positive outcomes with a safe and effective system.
with our latest software improvements, you can now “simplify down” the system to meet your needs. All of the control panels are now able to be seen or hidden, based on your needs. If you do only QEEG acquisition, you will only see the controls you need to do that job. Same for simple power training. or basic z-score training. the system is now more intuitive and efficient, like an electric vehicle or even a space ship. and the new setup system allows you to see images and videos and instructional material as you look through the various available protocols, to see what they look like before you run them. Everything is more simple, sleek, and efficient, depending on what you need for your tasks, and nothing more.