Probing the Priorities of the Brain: sLORETA

“Activity equals results. 
If you want to increase your success, 
Increase your activity.”

— Brian Tracy

Low-Resolution Electromagnetic Tomographic Analysis (LORETA) is a general approach to computing what is going on inside the brain based on surface measurements we typically get from 19 channels of scalp EEG. There is a family of derivative methods (VARETA, bc-VARETA, sLORETA, eLORETA, swLORETA, etc) that use this method with various modifications to improve accuracy, resolution, and speed. Generally, these methods compute the same thing — the current-source density in a small volume of brain, called a “region.” The current-source density reflects the neuronal activity at that location in the form of the postsynaptic membrane potentials generated by neurons while they communicate and do their work.

When specific neurons are activated or de-activated, there is an external electrical current produced. These neurons are sources of current. And simply put, the more activity there is in a given region, the higher the current-source density.

What is important in this regard is that the cortical layers are complex, and allow one region to do more than one thing — either in sequence, or at once. This is the basis of the EEG frequencies seen in different bands — delta, theta, alpha, beta, or gamma. By knowing which are the dominant bands in a given region, we know what the region is doing. This is especially important for understanding networks, which bind at a characteristic frequency, such as alpha for the default mode network (DMN).

The dominant activity in a region comes in the form of relative power. This basic metric — used for decades in QEEG — takes on particular importance in LORETA-based methods. Because the volume conduction smears and combines information from many regions into one scalp electrode location, we expect a mixture of frequencies. But with LORETA methods, we are calculating what is happening in one spot in the brain. Any given area of the cortex has limited freedom to do different things at once, and thus will tend to be busy with one thing a time, as the brain goes through its microstates and processing sequences. Here we see an example connection between two areas of the cortex, one sensory, the other motor. Harnessing complex interconnections, these regions communicate with each other using various pathways and frequencies which range from slow delta, all the way through fast gamma, and everything in between. But what is important to know is what any region is doing at the moment.

QEEGers all know about relative power surface maps, and how they can help or hinder interpretation. Basically, power surface maps compare the total frequency pie with the size of each slice, and show how the surface maps look in a relative way.

So, if we can see the relative amount
of energy in each band in each region, we can determine what is the priority of that brain region at that instant. This is more than simply measuring absolute power, it answers the question “What is going on?” and also supplies the answer to “What is important right now?” The different cortical layers participate differently in these communications, so knowing what frequency band is dominant in any region can tell us what type of processing it is involved with at this instant; and the networks that are communicating on a particular frequency will emerge as complex areas illuminated by imaging the relative power in any band.

Based on this motivation, we recently
have implemented relative power in BrainAvatar and can now produce informative maps of both surface EEG, and more importantly, for every voxel in the sLORETA or eLORETA projections we now support. The results are both fascinating and informative.

sLORETA and eLORETA relative power give new detailed maps of which regions are spending more of their energy at any band of interest, such as alpha. In this image, only regions that have a significant fraction of alpha activity light up. The white regions are 90% or more in pure alpha. Networks emerge at the instant that they are active. Complex and rapid microstate shifts also become visible instantaneously. These metrics can be used for neurofeedback as well as for assessment and progress tracking.

Networks emerge and disappear instantaneously, reflecting the phase locking and phase release with each use of the network.

Our new “isofield” solid rendering converts regions of activity into intuitive solid shapes, instantaneously providing clear and precise indication of brain activity.

This is a text display of sLORETA relative power for brain regions and hubs. It shows how much priority each region or hub is giving to each frequency band. This is new information that provides new insights and new uses.

sLORETA and eLORETA relative power open up new possibilities for QEEG and neurofeedback. BrainAvatar continues to lead the way, implementing new and effective methods, building on what has already been learned and moving toward what is yet to be learned.

Tom Collura

“New information
makes new and fresh ideas

— Zig Ziglar